Miscellaneous · Unboxing

Fairyloot Unboxing: January 202…0?

Hi everyone! I’m so happy to bring you a FairyLoot unboxing! I really have the best friends and it’s needless to say that this is one of the best Christmas gifts ever. But the way that I received this box was a little strange. Of course, I absolutely love FairyLoot and things happen sometimes, but it’s been a bit of a mess.

First of all, the January box was postponed to ship at the beginning of February. Then it shipped to the wrong location. They apologized and tried to send me the box. It was to the right address this time, but it was the January 2020 box instead of the January 2021 box! I’m reaching back out to them on Monday to try and get the correct box. I’m not complaining though, this box is awesome! I just hope I end up with the right box in the end.

The first thing was a pillow case with an Oscar Wilde quote! I doubt I’d actually use it (none of my pillows are the right size), but it sure is beautiful!

Next we have three things! On the left is a moon trinket tray. Perfect to keep little odds and ends in! At the bottom are moon and star paperclips. I love office supplies, so these are amazing! I love cute little knick knacks anyway. The final object in this picture is an Illuminae star notebook. I haven’t gotten around to reading Illuminae yet, but the notebook is beautiful and the quote is adorable!

Time for the big part–the book! The book of the month is Woven in Moonlight by Isabel Ibañez. It has an exclusive FairyLoot edition cover that it absolutely beautiful! It’s also signed by the author. Just a quick peak tells me that it’s inspired by Bolivian history, so I’m very excited!

Aside from the book, we have many other exclusive items. There is exclusive art on the spoiler card and author letter and a beautiful page of stickers inspired by the book of the month! At the bottom is a phases of the moon necklace and at the top left is a dragon keychain inspired by Even the Darkest Stars. At the top left are fairy lights shaped like stars! I absolutely love these. This month’s tarot cards are inspired by An Ember in the Ashes and have Laia and Elias on them.

I think my favorite thing from the box (except the book because that’s obviously number one) is that dragon keychain! I gave it to my sister because she absolutely loves dragons, which made everything more than worth it.

What was your favorite item?

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