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End of 2020 Superlatives

Hi, everyone! I’m excited to present to you my first original tag! I’m very excited to do this and I hope you guys have fun with it too! This isn’t my first end of the year post, so check here for Top Ten Books of 2020 and The Worst Books of 2020

I’m sure you’ve been waiting with baited breath for this part! There will be character awards, setting awards, and other, miscellaneous awards! Without further ado, let’s get started!

Best Villain

Voldemort | Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling

I know, he’s not the best villain as in the scariest or most sinister or something, but when I think of a villain he just comes to mind. There isn’t a more iconic villain out there, so he deserves to be in this spot!

Best Main Character

Mia Corvere | Nevernight by Jay Kristoff

I bet you don’t see Mia often on these kinds of lists! I’ve only read the first book in the Nevernight trilogy, but as soon as I met her (and Mister Kindly) I knew that she would be a protagonist I wouldn’t mind following. I have a hard time finding a MC I actually like, so I’m glad I found one in Mia!

Best Side Character

Magnus Bane | The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare

Come on, name one person more fun than Magnus. You can’t? That’s too bad. Magnus is everything and one of the reasons I like The Mortal Instruments (TMI) so much! TMI is a good book for it’s cast of protagonists, and Magnus us the very best one.

Tough Luck

A character that you’re glad you aren’t

Kaz Brekker | Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

Don’t get me wrong, I adore Kaz, but I know for a fact I could never be him. He had to deal with so much from such a young age. I couldn’t do a fraction of the things he’s done. He’s done whatever he needed to do to survive, but he didn’t let it break his spirit, which is the important thing.

Best Place to Raise a Family

A setting (preferably not in our world) that you wouldn’t mind settling down in

Velaris | A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas

This was a hard one because all the places in high fantasy/dystopian/whatever books are meant to be rough and impossible to survive in! I know the people of Velaris have been through a LOT, but I think I’d still like to live there. It’s a town of artists of every sort, and maybe I can pick up on some of the creative juices!


A setting you would never want to live in

Post-Apocalyptic Long Island | Partials by Dan Wells

I think I talked about what was happening in this world in my Top 5 Wednesday: Yeet 2020 post, but the way that people had to live here was horrible. There was a disease that killed most of the population and all the remaining women had to keep having babies so they could try to find one that’s immune. I hate the idea of this world, and I hope no one ever has to live in a place like it!

Most Likely to Succeed

An indie or underhyped book that everyone would like it they just tried it

The Frozen Crown | Greta Kelly

I read this not too long ago, and it’s a winner. That’s all. It’s a winner. I got an ARC and I loved it! It’s about royal politics in a high fantasy world, and I loved nearly every aspect! The main character, Askia, is amazing as well. As I said earlier, I have trouble finding a main character I love, but she was definitely one!

Life of the Party

A book that kept you laughing and having a good time

Red, White & Royal Blue | Casey McQuinston

If you read this book and don’t laugh at all, maybe you should get your eyes checked to make sure you’re reading it right! This was hilarious. The characters kept getting caught in insane scenarios, but it had me rooting for them the whole time. I love these characters so much that you can expect a reread and review in 2021!

Most Unforgettable

A book you couldn’t forget if you tried

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue | V.E. Schwab

Isn’t this ironic? The book about a girl cursed to forever be forgotten is the most unforgettable book I’ve read all year. I just felt this book on some deep level. I’ve learned to have to stay on my toes while reading a V.E./Victoria Schwab book, but this one threw me for the biggest loop. In short, it hurt but I loved it.

Most Unique

A book unlike anything you’ve read before

This Savage Song | Victoria Schwab

Like I said, V.E./Victoria Schwab’s books keep me on my toes! She comes up with such unique premises and then executes them so well! Have you heard the saying “violence breeds monsters”? Well, in this world it literally does. The worse the crime the more dangerous the monster. I’ve never read anything like that before, so I loved reading about it!

I hope you guys enjoyed that! This may be my first tie creating a tab, but I know what to do.


  • Fill out each of the prompts with your answer. Each character/book you choose has to be one you read in 2020.
  • Tag as many or few people as you want, but preferably somewhere around 10.
  • Have fun and happy new year!!

My Nominations

And of course, you! Anyone who I didn’t name who wants to do this tag go ahead!

Thanks guys if you end up doing this tag! I hope you enjoy it. Everyone’s blogs here are amazing, and I hope you check them out!

40 thoughts on “End of 2020 Superlatives

  1. Magnus is just… <3333333
    I've been meaning to read Red, White and Royal Blue. Maybe I'll get around to it!!
    Cool post. Partials sounds terrifying.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Magnus Bane was easily one of my favorite characters from TMI! He’s the main star as far as I’m concerned. 😎

    And I agree with you about Kaz Brekker. I definitely wouldn’t want to be him. Poor guy gets handed a lot of injustice at such a young age.

    Thanks for tagging me! 🥰

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Omg yes to be Kaz is to need such a rough spirit, I seriously do not know how any of the Crows deal with their own troubles ahhh 😭😭… yes velaris is such a perfect answer!!! 🤩 OH THIS WAS AN ORIGINAL TAG?? 🤪😍 Amazing job Alex, thanks so much for tagging me!! 💖💖

    Liked by 1 person

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