Awards · Miscellaneous

Liebster Award #3

Yay! Thank you so much to Lilly @ Lilly’s Little Library for nominating me! I love doing these posts so much and I’m so honored you nominated me for this award! Please go check out her blog and the blog of everyone I nominate for fantastic posts and reviews! And sorry for taking so long to post this, Lilly.

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you
  • Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you
  • Nominate 11 bloggers
  • Ask your nominees 11 questions
  • Notify your 11 nominees

If you could live anywhere in OUR world, where would you live?
Would it be boring if I said I didn’t want to move? I kind of love where I live now. No extreme weather, not much crime, a bunch of libraries and bookstores… what more could I want?

What’s your favorite food?
Garlic bread. Or naan. Or any kind of carbs, really.

If you could choose to be any magical creature for the rest of your life, what would you be?
I’m perfectly happy with being a person, so I’d probably want to be something humanoid so I can still chill with my friends, but something with cool powers obviously. I guess… fae? But not the kind of fae that Sarah J Maas writes, ew.

Would you rather live 100 years in the past or 100 years in the future?
I’d say the past. Who knows what’s going on in the future? And the 1920s weren’t that bad if you don’t look at their pandemic. The golden 20s! Art deco! The Great Gatsby!

What character’s life would you most like to live?
Uh, would you hate me if I said someone who didn’t have it that bad? For instance, I love Kaz Brekker but I don’t think I’d survive as him. Maybe Hermione? She had it rough occasionally, but she also went to Hogwarts and learned magic.

What battery percentage is your device on right now?
69% because I’m (somewhat) responsible and plugged it in.

If you could only have one hobby from here on out (besides reading of course, how could anyone live without reading?) what would it be?
Singing! I don’t know how I could not sing along whenever a good song comes up on the radio.

What is your current favorite song?
Just one? I’m glad you said current though, because it’s always changing. I’d say probably Need You Tonight by INXS because I’m (still) really into 80s music right now.

If you could change your first name right now, what would you choose?
Something more interesting than Alex. Vida, maybe.

What book got you into reading?
Harry Potter. I got it for Christmas when I was six and my mom and I read it together. I didn’t like it at first, but she made me keep reading and now it’s my everything. We read a book every six months to try to stagger them and make them last and I love them with all of my heart.

What’s your favorite book?
PLEASE DON’T MAKE ME CHOOSE PLEASE NO. To appease you guys, I’ll just do my top book this year, which…I also don’t know. It’s either Crooked Kingdom, Clockwork Princess, or The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue.

  • (I’m going to borrow this question from Alicia @ Colorful Bibliophile because it was on Lilly’s and I love it) A witch, a siren, & a fairy godmother are all in need of an apprentice. Who do you chose to go with?
  • What was your favorite book series in middle school? Elementary school?
  • What is your favorite movie?
  • If you were a god/goddess of any one thing, what would it be?
  • Would you rather fight with physical weapons or mystical ones?
  • What’s your Hogwarts house?
  • Who’s your favorite Avenger? (If you don’t watch Marvel, just chose another movie franchise. 😂)
  • Do you have a favorite quote? If so, which and why?
  • If you could live in space, the sky, or under the sea, which would you chose?
  • What’s your favorite genre?
  • Do you prefer long series (4+ books), trilogies, duologies, or standalones best?

33 thoughts on “Liebster Award #3

  1. Haha yes, garlic bread 😅😍 And of course I’m still not over Clockwork Princess *the tears are still flowing* Vida is a really nice name, though granted I think Alex matches you 🙂 Thank you for nominating me, I am so excited to answer your questions 💙💙😥

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    1. To add a pingback you’ll want to link to a post on someone’s blog, not their home page…don’t know why it’s like that but that’s just the way it is. I think usually people just link to the latest post or, if they’re linking back to someone (like if you’re thanking someone for nominating you for a tag), link to the post they nominated you in. Hope that helps 🙂

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