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Liebster Award #4

A world of thanks to my dear friend Lia @ Chain of Novels for nominating me! I was about to apologize for taking so long to get to it, but then I remembered that her post is from a nomination back in August. See? I’m not thaaaaat slow. Ish. Anyway, please check out her blog and the blogs of everyone I nominate! They’re all fantastic!

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions given to you. 
  • Nominate 11 other bloggers.
  • Ask your nominees 11 questions. 
  • Notify your nominees once you have uploaded your post. 

Name a book you dislike that everyone seems to love?
Okay. Don’t kill me, please, I have to. But I didn’t like To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before. I didn’t even really like Peter Kravinsky. (Why did I say that now they’ll actually kill me.) The movies were better. (Ah now I want to kill me too.)

If you could wave a wand and fix one thing about the book community, what would it be?
Cancel culture. I mean, this isn’t really just a book community thing. More of a community thing. But I just don’t like it at all.

What’s one of your favourite bookish quotes?
“I learned a long time ago that we do not survive because we’re strong—we become stronger the more we survive.”
― William Ritter, The Dire King

Which book character(s) would you want to hang out with during this pandemic and why?
I think it would be really easy to hang out with one of my bookish book friends. Maybe Tessa Grey from The Infernal Devices.

Do you have a favourite toy from childhood or now? (I still have my stuffed puppy, Spot, from when I was 5 xD)
I have this stuffed animal of Goodnight Moon from when I was… tiny. I don’t remember how old, but preschool-age.

If you had to choose, would you rather become a vampire or a werewolf?
That’s a tricky one. I think I might actually go vampire. That way I could still blend in with my friends and stuff and it would be easier to hide. Also, the thing with werewolves is that I don’t like the idea of losing control like that. I mean, there’s some of that in being a vampire, but not to that level.

Which authors would you invite to a dinner party? (Dead or alive)
Let’s bring Jane Austen and her polar opposite, Sarah J Maas to switch things up.

Would you rather be able to fly or breathe underwater?
When you say fly, do you mean superman flight or like, hovering? I’d like to hover. If I get tired or whatever I can discreetly float around. I don’t know how I’d be able to fly without being seen or getting hit by a bird.

 Have you ever wanted to visit somewhere because it sounded great in a book?
Maaaany times. City of Ghosts by Victoria Schwab made me want to go to Amsterdam for all the ghosty stuff!

What do you do to drag yourself out of a reading slump?
I don’t get them. 😎 It’s just a mental thing. Just make yourself read and you’ll be fine! Unless of course you don’t have time, I get that.

Your top 3 fictional book boyfriends/girlfriends? (yes I’m evil like that )
Jem Carstairs, Kaz Brekker, and Dorian Havilliard.

If you were to write a book, what do you think your main character would be called?
Well, I am writing a book and the MC is named Kaelli (Pronounced Kay-lee)

What’s your favourite breakfast food?
Waffles all the way! Nina Zenik and I have something to talk about.

  • Say you and some friends were planning a heist. Which would you be: the mastermind behind it all, the slippery spy, the muscel, the distraction, the sharpshooter, or that one person in the wrong place at the wrong time who dies? (Or if you’ve read Six of Crows tell me which of the gang you’d be)
  • Floppy or perky eared dogs? Why?
  • If you were going to a masquerade ball and your mask reflected your personality, what would it look like?
  • Would you rather eradicate COVID-19 or global warming? (Note: If you chose global warming then COVID will never be cured and if you chose COVID global warming will never be fixed)
  • Would you rather walk on your hands upside down in a handstand or walk on your hands and knees for the rest of your life?
  • What do you want most (except books 😈) for Christmas/Hanukkah/any other winter gift-giving holiday you celebrate?
  • Would you rather go to a fancy ball or country shindig? Why?
  • If you were one of the twelve main Greek gods/goddesses, who would you most likely be?
  • Puffer coats or fluffy coats? Why?
  • If you could only use hand sanitizer or soap and water exclusively forever, which would you chose?
  • Which of the five food groups is your favorite (dairy, carbs, fruit, veggies, or protein)?
  1. May @ Dreamer of Books and Coffee
  2. Cherelle @ A Bolt Out of the Book
  3. Jawahir @ Jawahir the Bookworm
  4. Ana @ Ana Bookshelves Blog
  5. Teodora @ The Dacian She-Wolf
  6. Sam @ Literary Delirium
  7. Lilly @ Lilly’s Little Library
  8. Tess @ Unbound Library
  9. Noelle @ Wordgazing and Magic
  10. Bex @ Bex the Bibliophile
  11. Stacy, Justin, and Nikole @ A Court of Coffee and Books

55 thoughts on “Liebster Award #4

  1. Hold up! You’re writing a book?! What’s it about? Wow! That’s amazing 🙀🤩 And I too would love to visit Amsterdam, because of tfios… hehe and Jem 💙😜

    Liked by 1 person

    1. JEMMMM AH

      Yeah, I’m writing a book! It’s got everything I love (high fantasy, royalty, a guild of thieves/assassins) and one of the storylines is focused on this second-born prince who never expected to rule, but Kaelli (the one I talked about in this post) killed his older brother to complete a job. Now he’s the crown prince, but that’s a bad thing because 1) he’s not prepared and 2) he’s cursed 😈

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh. My . Goodness!! That sounds amazing 🤩🤩🤩🙀🙀🙀 Are you going to try get it published once you finish it? At the very least please share some of it with us 🥺🥺🙏🙏 EEK! IM SO EXCITED WOW!!! GOOD LUCK ALEX!!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Nice answers! Would love to see that book you’re writing 🙂 but I understand that people sometimes don’t want to share.
    Tip: why go all the way to Amsterdam when you can go to Seattle (okay I don’t know if you live in the US or not but at least for me, Seattle is a LOT closer than Amsterdam). Okay, so I don’t know if there are actually ghosts there but there’s this whole network of underground paths things because the entire city of Seattle was completely raised up a while ago!!!
    Oh man, I had the worst reading slump a while ago….I’m jealous that you don’t get them! I don’t usually, but there was this one book I read where I just couldn’t stop thinking of it and so I couldn’t read anything else–or even do anything else!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Woah, that part about Seattle is so cool! I know they also have the first Starbucks there😂

      Yeah, I’m not that far into my book because I had to take a break to deal with school and stuff, but it’s a high fantasy about an assassin/thief, a cursed prince, and a seriously grouchy foreign princess. 😂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yeah, I know! Ha ha I actually didn’t know that, or I might of, I dunno. All I know is that Amazon is in Seattle heh.

        Ooooh that sounds awesome! I love fantasy! Yeah same, writing with school and a blog and stuff is difficult, I almost never do so anymore!!! Aaah!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Oooh yeah I saw those when I went to Seattle a while back! I’ve heard that Amazon doesn’t treat their warehouse worker employees very well (like the people who make the stuff or work with shipping). They certainly do well for their behind the desk employees though!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Congratulations on the award nomination!!
    And ahhhh, when can I kill you because of not liking To All The Boys? And Peter K.? AND, liking those movies more??? Just kidding, I’m harmless🙃
    And hey, you’re writing a book? As in Wattpad? Or proper published one? Ooh, I’d love to read it!!🤩🤩🤩🤩

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Ahaha, fine I won’t,I don’t like Harry Potter too, so I get it.
        Ooh, that’s cool! Hope you do it soon, then!
        And you know, if you ever need someone to read or review or something, I’m always there, it’s what I live for!🤩🤩

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I was about to shriek at you about Harry Potter but I don’t want you to shriek at me about TATBILB so I won’t (for now) 😂

        Aw, thank you so much! I can’t wait to have a finished book. Only problem is that I have to write it 😂

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Exactly, it’s a deal.
        I get it😂
        I tried writing a Wattpad book once, and I had this whole story planned, but I couldn’t decide how to start the book, eventually gave up😂😂😂

        Liked by 1 person

      4. no.
        And idk, I just feel it’s given way too much hype, like the books are good, the plot was fun but like I didn’t see much in writing style, and the characters weren’t diverse at all. And after I read the books, I was like huh, they’re okay but after a week I forgot the names of half characters, that’s how big an impact it had on me…

        Liked by 2 people

      5. Yeah, exactly, I started reading books technically a year before, and I read Harry Potter this year, and then I wasn’t much into Middle Grade, YA is my thing. It had absolutely no effect on me🤷🏻‍♀️😂

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Jane Austen and SJM would be interesting to say in the least! 😂

      Yes, I’m writing a book! I had to put it on hold for now because I have the blog and school, but maybe I’ll have time over the holidays! It’s everything I love packed into a novel (high fantasy, a femme fatale-type thief/assassin,a cursed prince, and a grouchy but good-hearted foreign princess betrothed to said prince), so I hope it ends in being good!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. A big YES to waffles! I’m not really a breakfast person but I love those.

    That’s so exciting you’re writing a book! I’d love to hear more about it some day if you’re willing to share with us! Best of luck with your writing. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Thank you so much for nominating me! You’re not the only one, TATBILB was pretty average and honestly overhyped. Peter was not the love interest and I still can’t believe *SPOILER* (for anyone reading this):

    She did NOT go with John freaking Ambrose! Yes I’m still furious about that.

    Your new book sounds amazing! I really hope it goes well for you, ah our little Alex a published author…omg!!! Anyways I envy you for not getting a reading slump, what kind of superpower do you have!?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Omg I can’t believe I forgot to comment here ahh smh Lia🤦‍♀️ BUT I LOVE YOUR ANSWERS!!!😂 Hehe and yes at least you’re not as late as me🙈 I still have sooo many to get thru😭 ALSO OMG YOU’RE WRITING A BOOK?!?! ASDFGHJKL THAT’S AMAZING!!!😍 And that’s such a beautiful name, Kaellil🥺 ahhhh im definitely gonna be number 1 in line to read it when you finish your book xD

    Liked by 1 person

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